4 Reasons to Stay in Touch with Top-Performing Former Employees

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There are some company officials and hiring managers that subscribe to the theory that if a top performer accepts a job offer from another company (especially a competitor), then that former employee is to be “shunned” for their perceived lack of loyalty.

That is a short-sighted theory in today’s employment marketplace.

Let’s start with the fact that the reason the employee left is probably because there was something they wanted that their current employer could not provide. Is that an indictment of the employee? In more cases than you might care to consider, the answer is “No.”

You’ve heard the expression, “Cutting off your nose to spite your face.” That expression perfectly describes what one does when “shunning” a top-performing former employee.

In fact, there are many benefits to staying in touch with these employees, and below is a list of four such reasons for doing so:

#1—Networking opportunities

Top performers usually network with other top performers and “movers and shakers” in the industry—the same industry in which your company operates. Knowing who they know could be advantageous in ways you can’t even predict.

#2—Referrals for future openings

If they leave on good terms and you stay in touch with them, these former employees might just provide referrals for your company’s new job openings. After all, they have a good idea of the type of people for which you’re looking, and they may even put in a good word for you with potential candidates.

#3—Market intelligence and other important information

Top performers are habitually in the pursuit of the latest in terms of trends and technologies within their field. (That’s one of the reasons they’re top performers.) Staying in touch with them will increase the chances that you’ll also be able to stay on top of everything that’s happening—and about to happen—in the industry.

#4—The chance to re-hire them

Yes, this is quite possibly the last thing on your mind when they leave, but it shouldn’t be. If they truly were a valuable, top-performing employee, then you should be thinking not only of why they left in the first place, but also of what might bring them back (or attract candidates of the same caliber).

Don’t subscribe to a short-sighted theory. Stay in touch with top employees if they leave, and you’ll reap the benefits of maintaining those relationships.

Let Neil Goldman and Associates show you how we can be of help to you.   Email me at Neil@neilgoldman.com.


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